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- Great POLLED Modesty dtr with +2732 GTPI / NM $ 886!
- Huge opportunity to make high GTPI and NM offspring!
- Believed to be number 10 GTPI polled heifer at flush age in the world!
- Offspring of Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA
- One and only Red Holstein to ever be the Supreme Champion at the World Dairy Expo!! - One of the few opportunities to get into the REDROSE family!!
Modesty x NC Kingboy x VG-87-NL 2yr. Ladd-P x VG-88-NL 2yr. Jotan x VG-88-NL 2yr. Advent x VG-87-USA Tribute x Lavender Ruby Redrose-Red EX-96-USA
NOTE: These embryos are sired by the ABS-Icon sire Skywalker, embryos sell with an ICON contract for ABS.
Sire: Bomaz SKYWALKER | +2854 GPTI and +992 NM
Dam: Holec Jolakimo P | Top 10 polled heifer at flush age in the world +2732 GTPI!
Sold to #135 for
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- FEMALE UNIX embryos from Carf Emeraude herself!!!!
- Emeraude EX-91 won SHOWS & transmits FANTASTIC!!!
- From the great Amarante cow family: 2 x French Cow of the Year!
Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL x VG-88-FR Shottle x VG-89-FR Dutch Boy x Rosiére EX-90-FR
Sire: FEMALE Croteau Lesperron UNIX | #1 Coformation bull in Canada!!
Dam: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL | Incredible show and brood cow!

- FEMALE DENVER embryos from one of the greatest brood cows in France
- Roy Roxy was CHAMPION SPACE 2012
- Roy Roxy has 9 VG dtrs til date and are show winning!
- Her dtr JB Toullec Yorick Roxy was Int. Champion SIA Paris 2017
- Her dtr JB Toullec Dempsey Roxy was 1st & Best Udder Sr. 3yr. SIA Paris 2017
ROY x Goldwyn x EX-94-USA x EX-92-USA x EX-90-USA x Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA
Sire: FEMALE Brenland DENVER | +3.82 PTAT (High Octane x Doorman x Atwood)
Dam: JB Toullec Roy Roxy VG-88-FR EX-90-MS | One of the best French brood cows!

- FEMALE KING DOC +3.97 PTAT embryos out of a high type Monterey daughter with +3.56 PTAT!
- Faithfun has a rear udder height of +4.10!!
- Big opporunity to create your own high type heifer!
- Great offspring out of the Ralma Juror Faith family!
Monterey x NC Altaoak x NC Windbrook x VG-87-DE 2yr. Pronto x VG-87-USA 2yr. Goldwyn x EX-90-USA Finley x VG-88-USA Durham x Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | Huge PTAT +3.97 King Boy son
Dam: Faithfun | Monterey dtr with +3.56 PTAT!
Sold to #330 for
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- Early FEMALE PINNACLE embryos: GTPI +2803 / NM $ 937/ PTAT +2.44
- From a unique Jedi dtr with outcross maternal line: Tango x Meridian x Snowman
- Lyana has a unique index: +2355 Milk / +72 Protein / DPR +1.0 / SCE 6.7!!!!
- Huge potential from the fantastic Italian Bertaiola Lidia cow family
- 4th dam is full sister to MINCIO!
Jedi x Tango x Meridian x Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. x Bolton x EX Iron x VG Mtoto x EX x VG x VG x EX
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I Modesty PINNACLE | GTPI +2803 / NM $ 937
Dam: Rhala EX Lyana-ET | +2355M / +72 PROTEIN / DPR +1.0 / SCE 6.7

- #2 Female embryos of the great sire RUBICON out of the Durham Altitude Family!
- ALH Australia is the dam of the former #1 and #2 GTPI Red and White in Europe!
- Same family as Advent, Jotan, Acme, Aikman *RC, Armani *RC, Diamondback *RC, Absolute Red & more
- Grand dam is the maternal sister to KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA
VG-87 Supersire x VG-85 Alexander x EX-91-USA Goldwyn x Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude EX-95-USA
Sire: FEMALE Edg RUBICON | #3 Daughter proven sire with +2775 GTPI
Dam: Alh Australia-ET *RC VG-87-NL 3yr. | Unique RC Supersire grand daughter of KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91

- Incredible combination: GOLD CHIP x WINDBROOK x SID x GOLDWYN x STORMATIC
- Jessica is one of the very few members of this special cow family
- Going back to the amazing Du Bon Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95
- Atacama was 2 x Res. Grand Champion at the Swiss Expo in Lausanne!!
- Atacama was GRAND CHAMPION at the Swiss National Show: Expo Bulle 2012!
VG-85-DE 2yr. Windbrook x VG-89-FR Sid x EX-91-CH Goldwyn x Du Bont Vent Stormatic Atacama EX-95-CH
Sire: FEMALE Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP | Great sire of show winning cows and heifers!
Dam: AGH Du Bon Vent Atacama Jessica VG-85-DE 2yr. | Great descendant of the Atacama family

- Great FEMALE King Doc +3.97 PTAT embryos out Archrival daughter ALH Baltimore +3.4 PTAT!
- ALH Baltimore is a grand daughter of Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA!
- Big time opportunity to buy yourself into this great family and with high PTAT potential!
Archrival x EX-91-USA Doorman x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA EX-96-MS x EX-92-USA Shottle x Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | Huge PTAT +3.97 King Boy son
Dam: ALH Baltimore | +3.4 PTAT Archrival grand daughter of Butz Butler Gold Barbara EX-95-USA
Sold to #12769 for
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- FEMALE embryos of the great & proven sire GOLD CHIP!
- Embryos from a top ranking PTAT cow: PTAT +3.10
- Dam has 3.9% PROTEIN average over 4 lactations
- Going back on the Madison Grand Champion: Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN!
VG-87-BE 2yr. Doorman x EX-91-BE EX-94-MS Goldwyn x VG-85-NL 2yr. Allen x EX-CAN Leader x EX-90-CAN Prelude x Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-CAN
Sire: FEMALE Mr. Chassity GOLD CHIP | Sire of Champions!
Dam: Kemdale Doorman Beauty VG-87-BE 3yr. | High PROTEIN / Tony Beauty-fam / high PTAT!
Sold to #15735 for
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- Your chance to create a RED ATLEE!!
- FEMALE Jordy Red +3.62 PTAT Embryos out of a great RED from the Atlee's
- Her granddam is the full sister to ATWOOD
- Same family as Golden Dreams, Delete, Aftershock & Archrival!
VG-89 Ladd-P x VG-87 Sanchez x Heavenly Golden Atlee VG-87 x MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED | +3.62 PTAT!
Dam: Mox Atlee Red | RED heifer going back to Atlee EX-92!!
Sold to #1531 for
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- FEMALE EMBRYOS by the #1 dtr proven sire in history: JOSUPER!! GTPI +2806
- JOSUPER x DELTA - the #1 & #2 dtr proven sires in the World
- MGS DELTA is not available in Europe with semen
- Her dam is a POLLED DELTA grand dtr of the one & only Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA
- Dam is a sister to GOLD CHIP and sister to dam is dam to HIGH OCTANE & CAPITAL GAIN
- High production cow: Lactation value 116 and high FAT & PROTEIN %
POLLED VG-86-NL Delta x VG-85-USA Earnhardt x EX-92-USA Shottle x EX-92-USA Champion x Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA
Sire: FEMALE Uecker Supersire JOSUPER | #1 dtr proven sire in history!!
Dam: HH Delta Char P VG-86-NL 2yr | POLLED Delta grand dtr of CHASSITY

- EARLY CAMERON embryos from one of the highest Modesty dtrs in Europe: GTPI +2692!!
- Great index heifer: +0.15%F +0.06%P / DPR +2.2 / SCS 2.81 / SCE 6.7 / UDC +3.13 / GTPi +2692
- Huge udder index, one of the very few heifers in the breed combining >2690 GTPI / >3 UDC!!
- Modesty dtr going back on Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA
- Same family as Kingboy, Wonder, Epic and multiple other great sires
Modesty x VG-86 2yr. Numero Uno x VG-89 EX-93-MS Aftershock x Marwil Alh Willie VG-88 x Marwil Durham Leadmae 1 VG-88 x Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95 GMD DOM
Sire: Progenesis CAMERON | +2591 GTPI and +159 RZG!
Dam: Het Modest Willie cv | Huge GTPI Modesty heifer +2692 GTPI with over 3 points UDC!
Sold to #959 for
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- FEMALE embryos by the ultra popular bull SOLOMON! Sire of great champions!
- From Brokaw Lucia who scored VG-87 with the maximum VG-89 udders as a yr. old
- Agrilat Brokaw Lucia was 1st Jr. Heifer at the Cremona show 2015
- The same family as great champions like: Lotto EX-95, Lynley EX-94, Lavish EX-95, Licorice EX-95 & more!
VG-87 VG-89-MS 2yr. Brokaw x VG-87-IT 2yr. Promotion x EX-93-CAN Talent x EX-CAN Rudolph x Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA
Sire: FEMALE Walnutlawn SOLOMON | Sire of GREAT progeny!
Dam: Agrilat Brokaw Lucia VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Classwinner Cremona from the Idee Lustre cow family
Sold to #242 for
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- #3 KERRIGAN embyro's out of the great brood cow: Ven Dairy Lidia 4!
- Her Fanatic dtr DG Lindsay is one of the highest RZG Fanatics World Wide
- Dam to DG Lizzy - One of the highest Meridian dtrs in the World
- Dam is full sister to Bertaiola MINCIO - great Outcross top bull!
VG-86-NL 2yr. Snowman x VG-86-NL Bolton x Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT
Sire: Westcoast KERRIGAN | +2565 GTPI Kingboy son
Dam: Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. | Fantastic brood cow!

- FEMALE S-S-I Bandares
04/18 +1100M +0.11% +0.08% / PL +7.8 / SCS 2.57 / DPR +1.4 / PTAT +2.72 / GTPI +2792 - From the a very outcross maternal line: DT Totalis Rita 1 - (Oak x Danillo x Ramos)
- From the incredible Willemshoeve Rita cow family
Rubicon x Oak x VG-87 2yr. Danillo x VG-89 Ramos x VG-87 2yr. x Willemshoeve Rita 233A EX-92-NL
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I Bandares BIGGIE-ET | +2792 GTPI / 2.72 PTAT
Dam: RH Rubicon Totilas 3-ET | Rubicon x Oak x Danillo x Ramos

- Woodcrest KING DOC embryos: GTPI +2586/ + 3.97 PTAT
- From Hul-Stein Jetty, a Jedi dtr with almost 3 points PTAT!!
- Great qualities in her index with PTAT +2.96 / +0.07%F / +0.06%P / PL +4 / DPR +1.7
- Great combination which can produce chart topping offspring
Jedi x Halogen x VG-86 3yr. x EX-94 Sanchez x VG-89 Baxter x Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | +2586 GTPI | + 3.97 PTAT
Dam: Hul-Stein Jetty-ET | +2506 GTPI / NM $ 577 / PTAT +2.96

- FEMALE UNDENIED embryos from a great VRC RED cow!
- UNDENIED is the huge TYPE Solomon son (PTAT +4.28) with SLOPED rumps!!!
- Tiara is fresh in her 2nd lactation, will go up in score easily and produce >50 kg milk / day
- Tiara is the dam to TIGER-RED (s. Capital Gain) @ Ascol - top ranking Red sire for gNVI, RZG & GTPI
Headliner x VG-86 2yr. x VG-88 Goldwyn x VG-CAN Lee x Marktwain Dixie EX-90-CAN
Sire: FEMALE Our-Favorite UNDENIED | PTAT +4.28 - Solomon son with SLOPED rumps!
Dam: Lis Tiara-Red | Fresh in 2nd lactation and >50 kg milk / day - VG-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. - will be re-scored later this lactation
Sold to #1267 for
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- FEMALE REDROCK embryos / +2806 GTPI with +2.64 PTAT!
- Big time opportunity to create your own genomic giant!
- very allround heifer +900M +0.06F +0.09P / DPR +2.7 / PL +5.4 / SCS 2.79 / GTPI +2519
- Same family as Gasometer, Bugatti, Allianz & Agronaut all in AI!
Bandares x NC Powerball x VG-86-DE Boss x VG-86-DE Shamrock x VG-87-DE Perform x Wilder Maja EX-90-DE
Sire: FEMALE REDROCK-View Klutch | +2916 GTPI | +2.70 PTAT
Dam: HET Banda Melle | +2519 GTPI Bandares daughter

- Early FEMALE PINNACLE embryos: GTPI +2803 / NM $ 937/ PTAT +2.44
- Super index: 04/18 +0.09%F 0.08%P / PL +4 / DPR +2.0 / GTPI +2575
- Huge PA index - very nice combination with world class potential!
- From the Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn cow family
Jedi x VG-85 Kingboy x VG-88 Mogul x Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90-USA EX-MS GMD DOM
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I Modesty PINNACLE | GTP +2803 / NM $ 937
Dam: De Volmer Sage-ET | GTPI +2575 GTPI NM $700
Sold to #1663 for
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- SNOWMAN embryos!!
- From the maternal sister to SUPERSIRE, HEADLINER & more!!
- Incredible milking 2yr. old with huge production
- Kauna VG-85 VG-86-MS 2yr. La1: 305d 10.341kgM 4.2%F 3.7%P
- Her dam is Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-92!, dam to Supersire, Headliner, Platinum, Sargeant & many others
- Same family as Mogul, Silver, Balisto, Powerball-P, Monterey, Oak, Sid, Mardi Gras & more
VG-85 Ransom x Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET EX-92 x Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET VG-86
Sire: Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN
Dam: XR Kauna VG-85-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. | Ransom dtr of Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET EX-92

- Early FEMALE TARRINO embryos: GTPI +2803 / NM $ 889 / PTAT +2.49
- From a unique Jedi dtr with outcross maternal line: x Tango x Meridian x Snowman
- Lyana has a unique index: +2355 Milk / +72 Protein / DPR +1.0 / SCE 6.7!!!!
- Huge potential from the fantastic Italian Bertaiola Lidia cow family
- 4th dam is full sister to MINCIO!
Jedi x Tango x Meridian x Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. x Bolton x EX Iron x VG Mtoto x EX x VG x VG x EX
Sire: FEMALE Welcome TARRINO 3181 | GTPI +2803 / NM $ 889 / PTAT +2.49
Dam: Rhala EX Lyana-ET | +2355M / +72 PROTEIN / DPR +1.0 / SCE 6.7

- FEMALE JORDY-Red +3.62 PTAT embryos out of the APPLE branch!
- Beautiful Anahiem daughter, so Durham Altitude EX-95 on top and bottom side of the pedigree!
- Same family as Jotan, Advent, Acme, Fraiko, Perfect Aiko, Applejax, Absolute Red, Big Apple Red!!
- Great opportunity to get your own Apple!
Anahiem x VG-85-USA Archive x EX-90-USA Alchemy x VG-87-USA 2yr. Superstition x EX-90-USA Stormatic x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA
Sire: FEMALE Cycle-Mcgucci JORDY-Red | +3.62 PTAT Red Bull!
Dam: Wilstar Amber-Red | Great red heifer out of the Apples!

- Transmitting GIANT: Dam to bulls like Bolt, Brisbane, Bangalore, Baltasar & more!
- The former #2 GTPI Chevrolet daughter WORLD WIDE!
- Offspring ranking in the global outcross lists, no Supersire & Mogul. By Hotshot & Monterey!
- Goes back to the Canadian Cow of the Year '98, Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie
VG-85 2yr. Chevrolet x VG-86 2yr. Garrett x VG-87 Shottle x VG-87 Jocko x EX-90 Rudolph x VG-CAN x Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18*
Sire: DKR BARBICAN *RC | Top Red Carrier sire!
Dam: DKR Babylone VG-85-FR 3yr. | Genetic superstar - VG-85-FR 3yr.
Sold to #1213 for
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- High type PHARO embryos out of DG OH Lovebird +2.94 PTAT
- DG Lovebird is the former #1 GTPI & #3 PTAT Chops in Europe
- Incredible TYPE pedigree: Chops (s. Mogul) x Doorman x Atwood x Shottle
- DG Lovebrid is the full sister to Lambada @ Ascol (PTAT +3.01)
- 3rd dam: Calbrett Shottle Lucy EX-94-USA
- Same family as Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92, Leona EX-96 & more
Chops x GP-83 Doorman x EX-91-USA Atwood x Calbrett Shottle Lucy EX-94-USA
Sire: Sandy-Valley J PHARO | +2653 GTPI and +3.13 PTAT
Dam: DG OH Lovebird-ET | Goes back on Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA

- Allround top heifer!
- Almost all of her brothers went to AI, including: Bailando, New York, Nikkelback, Nickson & others
- Dam is the #1 production 2yr. old in the herd: 10.792kgM 3.5% Protein!
- Dam is one of the greatest transmitting cow in Europe
- Same family as Lexington, Leno, Loback, Beauty & more
Balisto x VG-86-NL Numero Uno x VG-89-DK Big Time x VG-87-DK Stol Joc x VG-87-DK Oman x BW Marshal Neblina VG-87-NL
Sire: Chevalier | Dtr proven chevrolet bull!
Dam: DG Rijnhof Nylah | Sister to Bailando, Nikkelback and many others
Sold to #859 for
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- Nyala: Incredible brood cow, almost all sons her went to AI
- Progeny > 160 RZG & Huge GTPI
- Dam to: Bailando, New York, Nikkelback, Nickson & more
- Make POLLED offspring from Nyala!
VG-86-NL Numero Uno x VG-89-DK Big Time x VG-87-DK Stol Joc x VG-87-DK Oman x BW Marshal Neblina VG-87-NL
Sire: Endco The Answer *PO
Dam: Tir-An N.U. Nyala VG-86-NL 3yr. | Incredible brood cow! - VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 3yr.
Sold to #224 for
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- FEMALE Mr. Rubicon DYNASTY x the former #1 RZG Spring daughter in the breed DKR Beakey!!
- Huge transmitting family!
- Same family as AI bulls: Bolt, Brisbane, Bangalore, Baltasar, Baylaboy, Blacklist and many more!
- Great branch of the Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie family
NC Altaspring x VG-85 2yr. Chevrolet xVG-86 2yr. Garrett x VG-87 Shottle x VG-87 Jocko x EX-90 Rudolph x VG-CAN x Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18*
Sire: FEMALE Mr. Rubicon DYNASTY
Dam: DKR Beackey | Great transmitting family!
Sold to #1933 for
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- Make RC & Polled YODA offspring!
- Exclusive embryos by YODA: GTPI +2798 / RZG 155 / PFT 4166
- Same family as the former #1 R&W type bull in Germany, KUYT RED
- Grand dam RZH Gwen-P Red VG-88-NL was the former #1 RZG Polled heifer in the breed!
- Gwen was also: Reserve Senior Champion R&W Putten Show '18
- Family with high components!
Mission P x Vekis NH DG Gerdy *RC *PP (s. Powerball P) x RZH Gwen-P Red VG-88 2yr. (s. Ladd P Red)
NOTE: These embryos are sired by the ABS-Icon sire Yoda, embryos sell with an ICON contract for ABS.
Sire: Cal-Roy-Al YODA | +2798 GTPI | +942 NM$ | +2.16 PTAT
Dam: Beeze Oldleus Gaby PP Red | Dtr of the former #1 Homozygote Polled heifer
Sold to #1933 for
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- FEMALE JOTANI embryos of Double-M Myrthe
- Myrthe is a grand dtr of the great brood cow: Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE
- Same family as Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH: Int. Champion R&W Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle
- Same family as Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-SW!
- Great R&W Show family!!
Addicition-Red x WFD Mirella 82 (s. Joyboy) x Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93 (s. Rubens)
Sire: FEMALE JOTANI | #1 RED Bull in the Netherlands with +119
Dam: Double M Holsteins Myrthe Red | Grand dtr of Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93
This is a traditional English auction.