Eurogenes Auctions

FEMALE embryos: #3 S-S-I Modesty PINNACLE x De Volmer Sage

This auction has closed! Bids are no longer being accepted on this lot.
This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
3 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Custom offer
Lot description
  • FEMALE PINNACLE embryos: GTPI +2707 / NM $ 842/ PTAT +2.23
  • Super index: 08/18 +0.07%F 0.07%P / PL +4 / DPR +3.6 / GTPI +2580
  • Huge PA index - very nice combination with world class potential!
  • From the Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn cow family

    Jedi x VG-85 Kingboy x VG-88 Mogul x Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90-USA EX-MS GMD DOM

Can be shipped to
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I Modesty PINNACLE | +2707 GTPI / +842 NM$ [more info]
Dam: De Volmer Sage | +2580 GTPI / +695 NM$
Production- & Freezing Method
ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer