Eurogenes Auctions

#3 Wa-Del Abs BOURBON x Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 3

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This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
3 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Custom offer
Lot description

* Super combination from the Elsa cow family
* PA-TPI 2574
* 4th dam is full sister to SNOWMAN

Can be shipped to
Sire: Wa-Del Abs BOURBON | GTPI 2709 / PTAT 2.15 [more info]
Dam: Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 3 | Kingboy x Massey x Socrates - NC - Just fresh

Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 3 NC

(Kingboy x Massey x Socrates x ELSA family)

High outcross pedigree from the stunning Elsa's

  • Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 3 - She Sells!
  • Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 3 - She Sells!
  • Elsa Queen GP-NL VG-86-MS 3yr.
  • Broeks Bolton Else VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
  • The legendary Snowman | Full brother to 3rd dam
  • Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL
  • Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89-USA
  • Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92-USA 2E GMD DOM

Reg No.



March 27, 2015

Production Records

  • 1st test: 43kg Milk!
  • Proj. La1 305d 23,534lbM 4.0%F 3.4%P (after 1 test)


NC - Just fresh

Genomic Results

  • US 12/20 GTPI +2285 / NM $ 172 / PTAT +1.09 [Details]


  • FRESH Kingboy dtr with a 1st test of 43 kg Milk!!
  • Successful brood cow, multiple high testing Finder dtr on the Dutch gNVI system
  • Great sire stack: Kingboy x Massey x Socrates x Bolton x Oman x Broeks MBM Elsa
  • 4th dam is the full sister to FG SNOWMAN!
  • 5th dam is the mondial cow of the year Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90!!


  • Morningview Mcc KINGBOY
  • Barbican Starbuck Erle EX-91-UK 2E
  • 8.01 305d 22,447lbM 4.6% 1,032F 3.25% 730P
  • Co-Op Bosside MASSEY-ET
  • Broeks Eltes VG-85-NL 2yr.
  • 2.00 305d 18,512lbM 4.5% 822F 3.7% 675P
  • 565d 30,236lbM 4.4% 1,318F 3.7% 1,131P
  • 4.00 305d 24,912lbM 4.4% 1,096F 3.6% 897P
  • Maternal sister is dam to Omanoman @ Zooservis
  • Velvet-View-KJ SOCRATES-ET
  • Broeks Bolton Else VG-86-NL VG-88-MS-2yr.
  • 2.00 305d 25,563lbM 3.5% 922F 3.4% 880P
  • 4.10 305d 26,705lbM 3.8% 1,014F 3.3% 882P
  • Covergirl Hotspots Autumn '09
  • Sold for €50.000
  • Maternal sister to Elburn RF @ ZBH

Next Dams

  • 4th Broeks Elsie 2 VG-86 VG-MS 2yr.
  • 5th Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL
  • 6th Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89-USA
  • 7th Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92 2E GMD DOM
  • 8th Ever-Green-View Le Grant EX-90 2E GMD DOM
  • 9th Ever-Green-View Leisure EX-91 2E GMD DOM