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- The very first offering from Shamra-Red! Female Farnear Audacious-Red (+3.05 PTAT / +2.84 UDC / +9 Conf.) embryos out of Kress-Hill Shamra-Red (+3.01 PTAT / +2.52 UDC / +9 Conf)!
- Great family! Some of the finest in All-American nominations
- Shamra-Red is sister to
- Kress-Hill Spicy-Red EX-92-USA, the Res. All-American R&W Winter Yearling 2022 & Res. Jr. All-American Sr. 2yr. old 2023
- Kress-Hill Sci-Fi-Red VG-88-USA 2yr., the Junior All-American R&W Jr. 2yr. old 2012
- Kress-Hill Smoke-Red VG-87-USA 2yr., the unanimous Jr. All-American R&W Summer Yearling 2022
- And many more! - Great R&W family with 7 generations VG- and EXCELLENT classified dams!
Altitude-Red x Ms Kress-Hill Sapphire-Red EX-92-USA (s. Avalanche *RC) x Siemers Destry Sunny-Red EX-93-USA 2E (s. Destry)
Sire: FEMALE Farnear AUDACIOUS-RED | +3.05 PTAT / +2.84 UDC Architect *RC daughter from the Apples!
Dam: Kress-Hill Shamra-Red | Altitude-Red daughter from a exciting R&W family with many All-American nominations!

- Best from both sides: Female Ladys Lambda JERRY LEWIS (+3.15 PTAT / +13 Conf.) embryos out of RH Doorman Frosty
- Ladys Lambda Jerry Lewis is a Delta-Lambda son x EX-95 Sidekick x Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN!
- RH Doorman Frosty is a Doorman from 3 gen. EXCELLENT Frosty's!!
- Same family as the Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2024 and SUPREME & Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2022: Oakfield Solmn Footloose EX-97-USA
Doorman x Duckett-Harvue Finesse EX-94-USA 2E (s. Atwood) x Harvue Dundee Foxy EX-92-USA (s. Dundee) x Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA 3E GMD
Sire: FEMALE Ladys Lambda JERRY LEWIS | +3.15 PTAT / +13. Conf. Lambda grandson to the Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019: Idee Windbrook Lynzi EX-95-CAN
Dam: RH Doorman Frosty | Doorman daughter from 3 generations EXCELLENT Frosty's!
Sold to #17751 for
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- FEMALE Hellender Brandy P Red (Ronald x Hellender Power Baileys EX-93-CH) embryos from the Unstopabull-Red daughter straight out of Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E!
- Donor was Junior Champion at the Regional Cowvalley 2023 & Junior Champion Fokveedag Putten 2024
- RH Unstopabull Tantrum-Red is full sister to Milksource Tantrum-Red EX-94-USA, the:
- Res. Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2022
- Intermediate Champion & Res. Grand Champion Championship Show Wisconsin 2022 - Tequila-Red EX-96-USA was Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014 & 2015 and Unanimous All-American R&W 4yr. old 2015
- Grand dam, Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA has 9 All-American nominations and was Grand Champion at the MN State Fair 2026
Unstopabull-Red x Strans-Jen-D-Tequila-Red EX-96-USA 2E (s. Director-Red) x Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red EX-95-USA (s. Red Devil)
Sire: FEMALE Hellender BRANDY P RED | Ronald x Hellender Power Baileys EX-93-CH 2E, 1st and finalist National Expo Bulle 2023 and Grand Champion Expo Brunegg!!
Dam: RH Unstopabull Tantrum Red | The Unstopabull-Red daughter straight out of Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red EX-96-USA!

- Female Kings-Ransom DROPBOX (+2963 GTPI / +3.05 PTAT) embryos out of RH Lambda Barbara
- RH Lambda Barbara is a Delta-Lambda grand daughter to Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA
- 2nd dam, Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA was:
- 1st 150,000lb Cow & Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2019
- 1st Lifetime Production Cow at NA Open Holstein Show 2020
- All-American Lifetime Production Cow 2019 & 2020
- All-American '12, '13, '14, '19 & '20
- Grand Champion NY Spring Show 2017
- Int. Champion World Dairy Expo 2013 - Tracing back to Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM
Delta-Lambda x Ms Gold Barbara Brisk EX-93-USA (s. Doorman) x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA 3E GMD (s. Goldwyn) x Regancrest Brasilla EX-92-USA 2E 4* DOM
Sire: FEMALE Kings-Ransom DROPBOX | +2963 GTPI / +3.05 PTAT Highjump son from the Kings-Ransom Delta Destiny EX-92 family
Dam: RH Lambda Barbara | Delta-Lambda granddaughter to the Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2019: Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-96-USA

- Superbrown NISSAN embryos from the EXCELLENT show cow sired by Blooming
- On the third generation the 6x Grand Champion of the World Dairy Expo, the LEGEND: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
- Donor was Grand Champion at the Digital German Dairy Show 2021
- Grand dam was 1st. Senior Cow & H.M. Grand Champion UK National Show 2013
- Donor is sister to Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89-UK EX-MS - Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day
Blooming x Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK (s. Starbuck) x Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
Sire: Superbrown NISSAN | Daughterproven Namur son with a lot of Milk, +106 Mammary System and +105 Type! (12/24)
Dam: Kedar Blooming Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS | Grand Champion German Dairy Show Digital and Champion Reg. Area

- Great offering: Female Stantons Chief (+2.01 PTAT / +9 Conf.) embryo out of Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.
- She is dam to DG Blackburn (s. Davinci) @ AI-Total at +3.74 PTAT and +15 Conformation and to DG Beacher @ Inseme at +3.95 PTAT
- From the same family as Midas-Touch Montery 1127 EX-95-CAN EX-95-MS 5yr., she was Reserve Grand Champion Supreme Laitier '23 and 1st place Royal Winter Fair '23
- Close family member to Walnutlawn Lambda Beyonce VG-89-USA - H.M. Intermediate Champion Ontario Spring Discovery 2024
- Tracing back to the great Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA cow family
Haniko x Gen Brylo VG-86-DE VG-89-MS 2yr. (s. Undenied) x Oh-River-Syc Brylin VG-86-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Stantons CHIEF | The daughter proven TYPE sensation at +2.01 PTAT and +9 Conformation (12/24)
Dam: Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Great Haniko daughter and dam to the interesting DG Blackburn at +15 Conf.! (12/24)
Sold to #15706 for
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- Siemers Parx (+3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT) embryos out of the #1 GTPI Subzero daughter worldwide!
- Donor, Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. notes +2907 GTPI with +1.70 PTAT and is dam to DG Stewart @ Cogent at +3189 GTPI and DG Seaborn @ AI-Total at +3109 GTPI! (12/24)
- Suami VG-86-NL 2yr. is sister to the #4 GTPI daughterproven sire WORLDWIDE: Westocoast Lambeau at +3109 GTPI and +1.79 PTAT (12/24)
- From one of the most successful cow families ever: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23*
Subzero x Comestar Laumabia Doc (s. King Doc) x Comestar Laumay Jedi GP-83-CAN 2yr. (s. Jedi) x Comestar Laumaple Pepper VG-86-CAN
Sire: Siemers PARX | +3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT Overdo son from Siemers Lmbda Paris 27856 EX-91-USA (12/24)
Dam: Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Great broodcow and sister to Westcoast Lambeau (+3109 GTPI / +1.79 PTAT)
Sold to #2253 for
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- Female Stgen Roddie PP *RC (+3000 GTPI / +1.37 PTAT / +1534kgM / +0.24%F / +0.06%P) embryos out of RH Ranger Aimey-Red (+2808 GTPI / +1.02 PTAT / +793kgM / +0.12%F / +0.07%P)
- Her dam, Aisha P Red VG-86-NL 3yr. is the former #1 Homozygous POLLED heifer and dam to the Topseller VOST Select Sale 2022: R&B Hugo Ailani, sold for 40.000 EUR
- Aisha P-Red her dam is Rhala RE Quickstep-Red, the maternal sister to Blues-Red @AiTotal & Batouwe RE Davia *RC @Semex
- From the same family as KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA, KHW Super Aderyn *RC EX-90-USA and the phenomenal Erbacres Snapple Shakira EX-97-CAN!!
Rammstein-Red x R&B Solitair Aisha P Red VG-85-NL 2yr. (s. Solitair P Red) x Rhala RE Quickstep Red (s. Alaska Red) x Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85-NL 2yr.
Sire: StGen RODDIE PP *RC | The #2 GTPI POLLED and RED CARRIER sire WORLDWIDE! | +3000 GTPI / +1004 NM$ / +1.37 PTAT (12/24)
Dam: RH Ranger Aimey Red | Exciting Ranger-Red daughter with a very complete profile in multiple systems!
Sold to #13027 for
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- Jook Einstein QUALITY (+3068 GTPI / +1066 NM$ / +1.52 PTAT) embryos out of DG Diddl (+2839 GTPI / +949 NM$)
- Dam to donor is the very promising Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr., she was Intermediate Champion and Udder Champion Zuidenveld 2023 and is dam to DG Adagio @Ai-Total at +3124 GTPI and to DG Dr. No @Ai-Total at +3073 GTPI!
- 3rd dam is the tremendous broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS, she is dam to:
- NH DG Arrow (s. King Doc), daughterproven sire at +2.84 PTAT!
- Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat (s. Frazzled), daughterproven sire 98% of his Canadian dtrs scored GP or better!
- NH DG Armagedon P (s. Splendid P *RC)
AltaWheelhouse x Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Crimson) x DG Ariana GP-84-DE La1. (s. Charley) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA
Sire: Jook Einstein QUALITY | Einstein son at +3068 GTPI / +1.52 PTAT / +1066 NM$ / +2270kgM / +0.1 DPR / 2.2% SCE (12/24)
Dam: Dg Diddl GP-83-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. | AltaWheelhouse daughter from the Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA cow family!
Sold to #2253 for
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- DG El Completo (+3126 GTPI / +1148 NM$) embryos out of DG Petra Pp (+2769 GTPI / +1.42 PTAT)
- Donor is an interesting POLLED AltaZazzle daughter!
- Sister to DG Proton (s. Captain) at +2896 GTPI @ Cogent
- From the famous Skalsummer Pietje cowfamily!
AltaZazzle x Buiteneind DG Garbine (s. Rubicon) x DG Garbine P *RC (s. Flagship) x LM DKR Ivy P *RC VG-86-NL La1.
Sire: DG EL COMPLETO | +3126 GTPI / +1148 NM$ Captain son x Jezebel VG-86-NL 2yr.
Dam: DG Petra Pp VG-86-BE VG-89-MS 2yr. | Great and POLLED AltaZazzle daughter from the Skalsummer Pietje family!

- Jook Einstein Quality (+3068 GTPI / +1.52 PTAT / +2270kgM) embryos out of DG Boyka VG-85-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
- Donor is a Pellegrino daughter with the maximum score for her Mammary System!
- From the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE!
- Tracing back to Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN
Pellegrino x Gen Baby (s. Zekon) x DG Bretagne (s. Missouri) x DKR Bianca GP-NL La1. x DKR Bayla VG-86-NL 2yr. x Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS
Sire: Jook Einstein QUALITY | +3068 GTPI / +1066 NM$ / +2270kgM Einstein son! (12/24)
Dam: DG Boyka VG-85-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Tremendous 2yr. old sired by Pellegrino from the Spotties!

- DG SPACE (+3194 GTPI / +1193 NM$ / +1269kgM) embryos x DG Harriët (+2795 GTPI / +925 NM$)
- DG Harriët is sister to DG Higgs @ Cogent at +2916 GTPI!
- Tracing back to Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT
Monument P x Gen Hind (s. Charl) x Vekis DG Layden (s. Imax) x Vekis DG Lidia
NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Dol semen, buyer will have to sign the AI-Dol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped
Sire: DG SPACE | One of the highest available GTPI sires WORLDWIDE: +3194 GTPI with +1193 NM$! (12/24)
Dam: DG Harrïet | Monument P sister to DG Higgs @ Cogent from the Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT family!

- Welcome in our World (+3002 GTPI / +915 NM$ / 1.60 PTAT) embryos out of the Red Carrier Crisalis daughter: DG Emlynn *RC (+2676 GTPI / +692 NM$)
- She is from the same family as DG Albero Eldorado @ AI-Total
- Goes back to the Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92-USA cow family
Crisalis *RC x DG Esky N.C. (s. Charl) x DG Ellena (s. Baylaboy) x DG Albero Enrica GP-84-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. x All.Nure Supersire Eleonor VG-88-IT
Sire: Welcome in our WORLD | +3002 GTPI / +915 NM$ / +1.60 PTAT Parfect son (12/24)
Dam: DG Emlynn *RC | From the same family as DG Albero Eldorado @AI-Total
This is a traditional English auction.