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- UNIQUE CHANCE: MAS embryos out of Siemers Hanina JBT!
- Donor is a +2962 GTPI in combination with +2.90 PTAT Dynasty daughter with a very complete US-index and a bull producing family
- Dam is sister to Siemers Lstr Hanan 33317 EX-90-USA, she is dam to Hulu *RC, Holy P, Hanx P and many more!
- From the same family as 'THE DOC': S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784 EX-96-USA! Dam to Has It All @ Select Sires and 20 bulls more!
- Tracing back to Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG-88-USA GMD DOM
Dynasty x Siemers Lmda Hanan 35498 (s. Delta-Lambda) x Siemers Doc Hanan 28286 EX-92-USA (s. Doc) x Siemers Monterey Hanan VG-85-USA 2yr. x Cookiecutter MOG Hanker EX-94-USA x Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG-88-USA
Sire: MAS | Mutally Agreeable Sire
Dam: JBToullec Siemers Hanina | Very complete Dynasty dtr at +2962 GTPI and +2.90 PTAT from the Siemers herd!
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- FEMALE River Valley Venus VIP embryos (+1.40 PTAT / +15.9 JUI) embryos out of BVSF Joel Easter VG-86-USA% 2yr.
- Easter VG-86 is straight out of 5 generations EXCELLENT classified cows
- She is dam to Rivendale VIP Eloise EX-93-USA%, she has an amazing victory list:
- National Grand Champion 2022
- Supreme Champion NAILE 2022
- Res. Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2022
- 1st. Jr. 3yr. old, Int. Champion & Grand Champion International Jersey Show 2022
Joel x BVSF Impression Natalya EX-90-USA% (s. Impression) x BVSF Tequilla Natash EX-91-USA% (s. Tequilla) x Laser Nala of BVSF EX-91-USA%
Sire: FEMALE River Valley Venus VIP | +1.40 PTAT / +15.9 JUI / +0.13%F | Great SHOWSIRE!
Dam: BVSF Joel Easter VG-86-USA% 2yr. | Dam to the Res. Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2022 Rivendale VIP Eloise EX-93-USA%

- FEMALE River Valley VICTORIOUS embryos (+2.00 PTAT / +22.1 JUI) embryos out of BVSF Joel Easter VG-86-USA% 2yr.
- Easter VG-86 is straight out of 5 generations EXCELLENT classified cows
- She is dam to Rivendale VIP Eloise EX-93-USA%, she has an amazing victory list:
- National Grand Champion 2022
- Supreme Champion NAILE 2022
- Res. Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2022
- 1st. Jr. 3yr. old, Int. Champion & Grand Champion International Jersey Show 2022
Joel x BVSF Impression Natalya EX-90-USA% (s. Impression) x BVSF Tequilla Natash EX-91-USA% (s. Tequilla) x Laser Nala of BVSF EX-91-USA%
Sire: FEMALE River Valley VICTORIOUS | Daughter proven sire at +2.00 PTAT and +22.1 JUI
Dam: BVSF Joel Easter VG-86-USA% 2yr. | Dam to the Res. Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2022 Rivendale VIP Eloise EX-93-USA%

- Siemers PARX (+3088 GTPI / +3.11 PTAT) embryos out of the #1 GTPI Subzero daughter worldwide!
- Donor, Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. notes +2922 GTPI with +1.77 PTAT and is dam to DG Stewart @ Cogent at +3190 GTPI and DG Seaborn @ AI-Total at +3121 GTPI! (08/24)
- Suami VG-86-NL 2yr. is sister to the #4 GTPI daughterproven sire WORLDWIDE: Westocoast Lambeau at +3188 GTPI and +2.15 PTAT (08/24)
- From one of the most successful cow families ever: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23*
Subzero x Comestar Laumabia Doc (s. King Doc) x Comestar Laumay Jedi GP-83-CAN 2yr. (s. Jedi) x Comestar Laumaple Pepper VG-86-CAN
Sire: Siemers PARX | +3088 GTPI / +3.11 PTAT Overdo brother to the #8 GTPI dtr proven sire: Siemers Rengd Parfect @ Select Sires at +3121 GTPI / +2.40 PTAT (08/24)
Dam: Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Great broodcow and sister to Westcoast Lambeau (+3188 GTPI / +2.15 PTAT)

- Wolf HULU *RC (+2876 GTPI / +3.51 PTAT / +11 Conf.) embryos out of DG Peony (+3041 GTPI / +1011 NM$ / +1.69 PTAT)
- DG Peony is the #9 GTPI Lambeau daughter in Europe! (04/24)
- Maternal sister to Progenesis Porto @ Semex at +2986 GTPI and +1001 NM$
- From the same family as the Global sensation: DG Charley @ ABS
- Tracing back to the Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA family!
Lambeau x Progenesis Zazzle Pink VG-87-CAN VG-88-MS 3yr. (s. AltaZazzle) x Peak Milktime Petra GP-80-CAN 3yr. (s. Milktime) x Ms Terra-Linda Pepper
Note: these embryos are available through the Diamond Genetics breeding program, the buyer will have to sign a agreement with Diamond Genetics before the embryos can be shipped. Please contact us for more info.
Sire: Siemers Wolf HULU *RC | One of the most populair sires!! | +3.51 PTAT / +2876 GTPI / +11 Conf. Red Carrier sire
Dam: DG Peony | The #7 GTPI Lambeau daughter in Europe at +3078 GTPI from the Cosmopolitan's!

- Siemers HAPPEN (+3.63 PTAT / +2.75 UDC) embryo out of the 2yr. old Champion Danish National Show 2018!
- Armani Chablis *RC EX-90-DK La2. is an Armani *RC daughter straight out of THE Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM!
- Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM is dam to Gold Chip and grand dam to Cashcoin, Cashmoney, High Octane and Capital Gain!
- Chablis *RC is the 8th generation EXCELLENT cow in a row!
- Her 4th dam is the one and only Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM - the foundation cow behind Braxton, Brokaw, Gold Chip, Capital Gain, Regancrest Boom and more!
Armani *RC x Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA GMD DOM (s. Shottle) x Regancrest Cinderella EX-92-USA GMD DOM (s. Champion) x Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM
Sire: Siemers HAPPEN | Daughterproven Excalibur son at +3.63 PTAT and +2.75 UDC / +803kgM / +0.12%F / +0.05%P and a flawless type! (08/24)
Dam: Ms Chassity Armani Chablis *RC EX-90-DK La2. | 2yr. Old Champion Danish National Show 2018! / THE Armani *RC dtr. straight out of Chasity EX-92-USA!

- GRADE B Bender embryos from the EXCELLENT show cow sired by Blooming
- On the third generation the 6x Grand Champion of the World Dairy Expo, the LEGEND: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
- Donor was Grand Champion at the Digital German Dairy Show 2021
- Grand dam was 1st. Senior Cow & H.M. Grand Champion UK National Show 2013
- Donor is sister to Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89-UK EX-MS - Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day
Blooming x Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK (s. Starbuck) x Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
Sire: P. Livello Bive BENDER | +778kgM with +114 TYPE!!!!
Dam: Kedar Blooming Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS | Grand Champion German Dairy Show Digital and Champion Reg. Area

- Gen Percival (+3175 GTPI / +1.18 PTAT / +2273kgM) embryos out of DG Boyka VG-85-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
- Donor is a Pellegrino daughter with the maximum score for her Mammary System!
- From the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE!
- Tracing back to Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN
Pellegrino x Gen Baby (s. Zekon) x DG Bretagne (s. Missouri) x DKR Bianca GP-NL La1. x DKR Bayla VG-86-NL 2yr. x Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS
Sire: GEN PERCIVAL | +3175 GTPI / +1.18 PTAT / +1.22 UDC / +2273kgM / +0.17% / +0.05%P Captain son (08/24)
Dam: DG Boyka VG-85-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Tremendous 2yr. old sired by Pellegrino from the Spotties!
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- Embryos from the successful Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90-USA cowfamily: #2 DG El Complete x DG DV Shock!
- DG El Completo (Captain x Paessens Jezebel VG-86-NL 2yr.) is in the Top 100 DWP$ bull at +1205 DWP$ and +3065 GTPI and +1.14 PTAT. He scores in his Italian index: +4702 PFT with +1162 IES €! (04/23)
- Donor is sister to DV DG Sika, the dam to the GLOBAL #2 GTPI sire: DG Space @Ai-Total at +3167 GTPI and to DV DG Saskia, dam to DG Tiq Taq @Cogent at +3199 GTPI and DG Shakir @Ai-Total at +3165 GTPI! (04/23)
- 9 generations bull dams in her pedigree!
Charl x De Volmer Sabine (s. Jedi) x Tramilda-N Kingboy Sage VG-87-USA (s. Kingboy) x Ladys-Manor MG Suzanne VG-88-USA x Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90-USA
Sire: DG EL COMPLETO | Captain x VG-86 2yr. Redrock x VG-85 Kerrigan | Top DWP$ bull at +1148 DWP$
Dam: DG DV Shock | The sister to DG DV Sika and DG DV Saskia (dam to DG Tiq Taq at +3226 GTPI (08/24)

- Wet Faneca Martin (+2981 GTPI / +914 NM$) embryos out of DG Diddl (+2866 GTPI / +979 NM$)
- Dam to donor is the very promising Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr., she was Intermediate Champion and Udder Champion Zuidenveld 2023 and is dam to DG Adagio @Ai-Total at +3127 GTPI and to DG Dr. No @Ai-Total at +3079 GTPI!
- 3rd dam is the tremendous broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS, she is dam to:
- NH DG Arrow (s. King Doc), daughterproven sire at +2.81 PTAT!
- Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat (s. Frazzled), daughterproven sire 98% of his Canadian dtrs scored GP or better!
- NH DG Armagedon P (s. Splendid P *RC)
AltaWheelhouse x Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Crimson) x DG Ariana GP-84-DE La1. (s. Charley) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA
Sire: Wet Faneca MARTIN | +2981 GTPI / +1.66 PTAT Faneca son with a very complete index!
Dam: Dg Diddl | AltaWheelhouse daughter from the Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA cow family!

- Morningview CHOICES (+3087 GTPI / +1008 NM$ / +2.03 PTAT / +3679 gLPI) embryos out of DGF Burundi *RC (+2592 GTPI)
- From the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE, the Miss Schau der Besten 2020 and 2022
- 5th dam is the influencial Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS, the former #1 GTPI cow in the WORLD and dam to Jakarta @Semex
- Goes back to the Canadian Cow of the Year 1998: Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie!
Star P *RC x DGF Beatrice (s. Benz) x DKR Bali (s. Hotshot) x DKR Babylone VG-85-FR 3yr. x DKR Bayla VG-86-NL 2yr. x Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS
Sire: Morningview CHOICES | +3087 GTPI / +1008 NM$ / +2.03 PTAT / +3679 gLPI Conway son from the C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 family!
Dam: DGF Burundi *RC | Star P *RC daughter from the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE, the Miss Schau der Besten 2022

- #3 Jook Einstein QUALITY (+3090 GTPI / +1084 NM$ / +1.53 PTAT / +1042 DWP$) embryos out of the +2750 GTPI / +1.63 PTAT Captivating daughter: DG Azzopardi Bomnilla!
- Her dam has 2 sires in AI: DG Bosco at +2981 GTPI and DG Belcanta at +3048 GTPI!
- Great family, developed at Go-Farm Holsteins - Italy
- Going back on Hndel Smrk Beline 3404
Captivating x Go-Farm Bondida (s. Discjockey) x Go-Farm Bolivia (s. DG Charley) x Go-Farm Bimba x Go-Farm Brashine
Sire: Jook Einstein QUALITY | Einstein son at +3090 GTPI / +1.53 PTAT / +1084 NM$ / +2289kgM / +0.3 DPR / 2.1% SCE (08/24)
Dam: DG Azzopardi Bomnilla | +2750 GTPI Captivating sister with many brothers in AI!

- Welcome in our World (+3017 GTPI / +946 NM$ / 1.58 PTAT) embryos out of the Red Carrier Crisalis daughter: DG Emlynn *RC (+2665 GTPI / +689 NM$)
- She is from the same family as DG Albero Eldorado @ AI-Total
- Goes back to the Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92-USA cow family
Crisalis *RC x DG Esky N.C. (s. Charl) x DG Ellena (s. Baylaboy) x DG Albero Enrica GP-84-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. x All.Nure Supersire Eleonor VG-88-IT
Sire: Welcome in our WORLD | +3017 GTPI / +946 NM$ / +1.58 PTAT Parfect son (08/24)
Dam: DG Emlynn *RC | From the same family as DG Albero Eldorado @AI-Total

- OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: #3 FEMALE Blondin DRIVEN (+3.94 PTAT/ +14 Conf.) embryos out of Giessen Cinderella 247 (+2.08 PTAT / +7 Conf.)
- Giessen Cinderealla 247 could be the next potential EXCELLENT cow from this family!
- She is from the #5 Milking herd of the Netherlands
- Her EX-91 Doorman dam was 4th in her class at the RSN-Show '22
Thunder Storm x Giessen Cinderella 191 EX-91-NL EX-91-MS (s. Doorman) x Giessen Cinderella 134 VG-87-NL 2yr. (s. Mogul)
Sire: FEMALE Blondin DRIVEN | +3.94 PTAT / +14 Conf. Alleyoop son with a very complete profile and Kings-Ransom Dm Debonair EX-94-USA
Dam: Giessen Cinderella 247 VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | +2.08 PTAT / +7 Conf. Doorman daughter tracing back to Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM cow family
This is a traditional English auction.