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This is a traditional English auction.
- Huge RZG possibilities with these Best BENZ (+169 RZG) embryos from Chanel (+152 RZG)
- HET Adora Chanel is topping in several systems: +410 NVI // +152 RZG and +626 NM$
- Her daughter: Het G Chayenne *RC (+158 RZG // +420 NVI) sold in the HighlightSale 2020
- Same family as O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Chevrolet, Fanatic & more
Stantons ADORABLE x Diepenhoek Chanel VG-85-NL 2yr. (s. Balisto) x Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL x VG-86 x EX-90 x EX-93
Sire: Best BENZ // +169 RZG / +153 RZM / +141 RZN / >2000 Miilk and +345 NVI
Dam: HET Adora Chanel // huge NVI heifer: +416 NVI and +152 RZG!
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- FEMALE embryos by the #1 PTAT sire Lindenright MOOVIN *RC (+4.66 PTAT) directly from the Koba's!!
- Gold Koba is a sister to the H.M. 2-Yr Old Champion HHH-Show '18: Bons-Holsteins Koba 229 VG-88-NL 2yr.
- Grand dam is full sister to Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL - Grand HHH-Show '16 & NRM '14
- Same family as: Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 EX-94-NL EX-95-MS - Grand Champion HHH-Show '17 & '18
Gold Chip x Bons-Holsteins Koba 207 VG-89 EX-90-MS (s. Windbrook) x Bons-Holsteins Koba 195 EX-91 (s. Jasper) x EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Lindenright MOOVIN *RC // #1 PTAT sire in the breed: +4.66 PTAT // RED CARRIER Avalanche son!!
Dam: Groenibo 246 Gold Koba // Gold Chip sister to the H.M. 2-Yr Old Champion HHH-Show 2018
- FEMALE ALTADATELINE embryos: GTPI +2756 / PTAT +2.97 / >1800 Milk
- From the top ranking GTPI RED CARRIER cow in the USA: Bridgett RC!
- HUGE potential for chart topping RED CARRIER offspring
- Bridgett *RC is full sister to Blake (5 progeny > 2800 GTPI) and sold for > $ 100.000
- Going back on the All-American cow: Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA
VG-89-USA EX-MS La1 Delta x Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA x Rainyridge Super Beth VG-86 (s. Superstition) x Rainyrdige Talent Barbara EX-95-USA 2* x RF Outside Breeze EX-95 x EX x EX
Sire: FEMALE Peak ALTADATELINE | Huge Hotline son: GTPI +2756 // PTAT +2.97 // +68 PROTEIN
Dam: Ms DG Delta Bridgett *RC VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. | Top ranking *RC GTPI cow in the States!
- FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED (#1 PTAT R&W) from MAXIMA her R&W POLLED Ladd-P daughter!!
- Metallica is a maternal sister to FG Destry Madame EX-92-DE - Grand Champion SDB 2017!!
- Her dam Maxima is the R&W show cow with the longest victory list in Germany!!
- She was: 4x All-German, Grand Champion Thuringia Holstein Open, Bismark, Lastrup & more
VG-87 La2 Ladd-P-Red x RH Maxima EX-94-DE EX-95-MS (s. Talent *RC) x RH Meggilee EX-91-DE (s. Lee)
Sire: FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED // +4.28 PTAT / #1 RED AND WHITE PTAT sire!!! / Avalanche *RC son
Dam: FG Metallica P-Red VG-87-NL VG-87-MS La2 // R&W POLLED daughter of RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE
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- Get your Fall Calf with these FEMALE Unix embryos from Beauty EX-95 her Dempsey dtr (+10 Conf.)!!
- Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA was Intermediate Champion at World Dairy Expo 2015!!
- Grand dam is Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-2E-CAN 15* - Res. All-Canadian '11 & Res. Grand Champion Three Rivers '13
- Sister to dam: Jacobs Solomon Bridal VG-87-CAN 2yr. - 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old World Dairy Expo 2019
Dempsey x Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95-USA x Jacobs Goldwyn Britany EX-96-2E-CAN 15* x VG-88 Jasper x EX-91 Storm
Sire: FEMALE Croteau Lesperron UNIX // +13 Conformation // SHOW SPECIALIST // Daughter proven
Dam: Sidbeauty Dempsey Belle // Dempsey x Jacobs Sid Beauty EX-95 | Int. Champion WDE 2015
#6 —
FEMALE embryos: #4 Lindenright MOOVIN *RC (+4.66 PTAT) x All-Star Jotan Bella EX-92-DE EX-94-MS
- FEMALE Lindenright MOOVIN *RC (#1 PTAT sire in the breed // +4.66 PTAT) embryos from one of the best Swiss brood cows: All-Star Jotan Bella EX-92-DE EX-94-MS!! Dam to several EXCELLENT and show winning daughters in Germany & Switzerland!! Create your R&W maternal sister to WR Aikman Brandy EX-92-DE EX-94-MS - Senior Champion R&W RUW Show ‘19 and WR Rudolph Bacardi EX-91-DE - Res. Senior Champion R&W RUW Show ‘19!
EX-92 EX-94-MS Jotan x Benita VG-89-CH EX-91-MS (s. Stadel-Red) x Beauty VG-88-CH EX-90-MS (s. STBVQ Rubens *RC)
Sire: FEMALE Lindenright MOOVIN *RC // #1 PTAT sire in the breed: +4.66 PTAT // RED CARRIER Avalanche son!!
Dam: All-Star Jotan Bella EX-92-DE EX-94-MS | Great opportunity to get something from this special BROOD COW!!
- Create your next INDEX TOPPER with these early CHILTON: +164 RZG / +152 RZM & +2653 GTPI / +830 NM$ embryos!
- Huge PA in these embryos of: +158 RZG // +146 RZM // 843 NM$ & 310 NVI
- Gazelle has two Kenobi dtrs with both >2700 GTPI and >157 RZG!!
- She is also dam to HET Gray @ ABS Global - +2723 GTPI // +919 NM$ (12/19)
- Unlimited potential in these family of the Diepenhoek Rozelle's
Agronaut x Superman x Diepenhoek Rozelle 65 VG-87 x VG-86 x VG-87 x VG-87 x Broeks Rozelle VG-89-NL x Gazelle EX-91-FR x EX-92
Sire: Peak CHILTON // AltaRobson son with +164 RZG / +152 RZM and +2653 GTPI / +830 NM$
Dam: HET Agro Gazelle // 2 Kenobi dtrs with both over 2700 GTPI and over 157 RZG!!
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- FEMALE Warrior-Red (+4.28 PTAT / #1 R&W PTAT) embryos from the full sister of the Junior Champion Portugal!!
- Full sister tests +3.76 PTAT (#9 *RC RED CARRIER in Europe), your chance on the next BIG TYPE topper!!
- Dam is sister to: HC Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. // #1 PTAT cow in Europe!
- 3rd dam Arianna was 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Old Madison & Royal & Unanimous All-American & Canadian Jr. 2-Yr. '12
Jordy-Red x Pereira Archrival M&M Arianna VG-87-PT 3yr. x VG-85-USA Doorman x BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94 x Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 x EX-94
Sire: FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED // +4.28 PTAT / #1 RED AND WHITE PTAT sire!!! / Avalanche *RC son
Dam: M&S Jordy M&M Asya *RC | Full sister to the Junior Champion National Show Portugal 2019!!!
- Top type +3.35 PTAT // +11 Conf. Callen grand dtr of Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA
- Dam her full sister: Kingsway Doorman Andrea EX-91-USA was 1st @ World Dairy Expo 2018
- 6 generations EXCELLENT dams in this exclusive pedigree!
Callen x Absolute Doorman Aringadingding VG-88-UK 3yr. x Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA x EX-90 x EX-95 x EX-90 x EX-90
Sire: FEMALE Eclipse MILIO // +4.57 PTAT // #5 PTAT bull in the breed!!
Dam: Absolute Callen Abrapeng // +3.35 PTAT grand daughter of Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA
- FEMALE CRUSHTIME x JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL 2yr. x the full sister to DH GOLD CHIP DARLING EX-95-CH
- Darling her UNIX dtr: Ptit Coeur Unix DARLINGA was 3rd @ 2-Yr Old class Swiss Expo 2019 & 4th @ Swiss Expo 2020
- Darling was SUPREME Champion Swiss Expo '17 & GRAND CHAMPION Expo Bulle '18!
- Dance is a maternal sister to JK Eder DG Solomon Daryl - 2nd place Swiss Expo 2020
- 4th dam is the full sister of the legendary DURHAM!!
JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL 2yr. (s. Doorman) x JK Eder DG Gold Chip Darling 2 EX-90-NL 4yr. (s. Gold Chip) x Darling VG-89-NL (s. Mr Sam) x Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 family
Dam: JK Eder DG Doorman Dance VG-87-NL 2yr. | Doorman dtr of the full sister to DH GOLD CHIP DARLING EX-95-CH
- Doorman embryos from the tremendous Bons-Holsteins Koba's!
- Goldwyn Koba is a sister to Koba 191 EX-94-NL: Grand Champion HHH-Show '16 & NRM '14
- The same family as Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 EX-94-NL - Grand Champion HHH-Show '17 & '18 and 2nd European Show Libramont '19
- Her dam (Bons-Holsteins Koba 152 EX-92-NL s. Integrity) was:
- 4th at the Simagena Paris '07
- Grand Champion Hoornaar '08
- Res. Sr. Champion National NRM '08
- Res. Sr. Champion National HHH show '09
EX-90 GOLDWYN x Bons-Holsteins Koba 152 EX-92 (s. Integrity) x Bons-Holsteins Koba 116 VG 2yr. (s. Stardust)
Sire: Val-Bisson DOORMAN | Premier Sire World Dairy Expo 2019, International Holstein Show
Dam: Bons-Holsteins Goldwyn Koba EX-90-SW | EX-sister to Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL EX-95-MS
- Create your Winter show calf for the 2021 show season!! // Full sister was 3rd @ Swiss Expo 2020!!
- Dam A-L-H Ladd Alina P-Red VG-87-CH VG-87-MS La2 was topseller MOX-Sale 2014 for 27.000 EUR!!
- Create your R&W TYPE topper - huge PA of: +15 Conf. // +13 Udders // +3.77 PTAT
- Sister to: Alpview A-L-H Around P-Red @ Swiss Genetics
Jordy-Red x A-L-H Ladd Alina P-Red VG-87-CH VG-87-MS La2 x Ms Talent Applicious-Red EX-94-USA x KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM
Sire: FEMALE Lindenright MOOVIN *RC // #1 PTAT sire in the breed: +4.66 PTAT // +18 Conf. // RED CARRIER Avalanche son!!
Dam: SCH Jordy Alina Red // +12 Conf. // +10 Udder // Full sister was 3rd @ Swiss Expo 2020
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- Get your RED CARRIER from Emeraude: JORDY-RED x EMERAUDE EX-91!
- She is dam to: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS - 6th place European Show Libramont 2019
- Emeraude is one of the greatest show- & type transmitting cows of her generation!!!
- Emeraude EX-91 and her progeny have won multiple National Show titles
- Same family as Amarante EX-90-FR: 2 x FRENCH cow of the year!
- Same family as Capj Irana, 1st place @ European Show Colmar '16 & National Champion
EX-91 Goldwyn x Agathe VG-88 (s. Shottle) x Toulouse VG-89 (s. Dutch Boy) x Rosière EX-90-FR x VG-89 x EX-93 x EX-94
Sire: FEMALE Cycle Mcgucci JORDY-RED | PTAT +3.43 / Premier Sire RED and WHITE Jr. Show World Dairy Expo 2019!!
Dam: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL | Dam to JK DG Esmeralda - 6th place European Show Libramont 2019
- Golden-Oaks MASTER: +4.40 PTAT // +17 Conf. // Avalanche *RC grand son of Maya Goldwyn EX-95 embryos!!!
- Unique chance to get your OWN Arrow from Sheeknoll Durham Arrow EX-96-USA 2E her Solomon dtr!!
- Arrow 'Thomas' was Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2016, Grand Champion Midwest Fall National '16,
- Unamimous All-American Agend Cow '16 & many more!!
Solomon x Sheeknoll Durham Arrow EX-96-USA 2E x Sheeknoll Pronto Venture VG-85-USA x Sheeknoll Stormin Roswel VG-85-USA
Sire: Golden-Oaks MASTER | +4.40 PTAT // +17 Conf. // +14 Udders // Avalanche *RC grand son of Maya Goldwyn EX-95
Dam: Sheeknoll HET Solomon Arriba | Direct dtr of ARROW EX-96-USA - Grand Champion WDE 2016
- FEMALE Farnear Aria ADDISON *RC (+3.55 PTAT) // Brother to ALTITUDE-RED (not available in Europe)
- Carmen is an AMAZING heifer! SHOW type all over!
- Make the NEXT RED CARRIER chart topping type heifers from this incredible heifer!
- Same family as Amarante EX-90-FR: 2 x FRENCH cow of the year!
- Same family as Capj Irana, 1st place @ European Show Colmar '16 & National Champion
Solomon x Atwood x JK DG Esmeralda EX-92 EX-94-MS (s. Doorman) x Carf Emeraude EX-91 (s. Goldwyn)
Sire: FEMALE Farnear Aria ADDISON *RC | Type sensation with +3.55 PTAT / brother to ALTITUDE-RED!
Dam: JK Eder DG Carmen 2 | #9 PTAT cow >2 years in Europe! (12/19)
- Legendary GOLDWYN embryos from one of the best Swiss brood cows: All-Star Jotan Bella EX-92-DE EX-94-MS!! Dam to several EXCELLENT and show winning daughters in Germany & Switzerland!! Create your maternal sister to WR Aikman Brandy EX-92-DE EX-94-MS - Senior Champion R&W RUW Show ‘19 and WR Rudolph Bacardi EX-91-DE - Res. Senior Champion R&W RUW Show ‘19!
EX-92 EX-94-MS Jotan x Benita VG-89-CH EX-91-MS (s. Stadel-Red) x Beauty VG-88-CH EX-90-MS (s. STBVQ Rubens *RC)
Sire: Braedale GOLDWYN | The LEGEND!!
Dam: All-Star Jotan Bella EX-92-DE EX-94-MS | Great opportunity to get something from this special BROOD COW!!
- AltaSNAPPY embryos (+3.33 PTAT / +648 NM$) from Bridgett her top ranking *RC Pinnacle!!
- Balsam guarantees for: +2516 GTPI / +743 NM$ / +1973 Milk / +6.5 PL / +2.53 UDC / +2.22 PTAT
- Going back on the All-American cow: Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA
*RC Pinnacle x Delta Bridgett VG-89 EX-MS La1 x Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA La1. x Rainyridge Superstition Beth VG-86-CAN x Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA 2*
Sire: Peak AltaSNAPPY | +3.33 PTAT / +2.56 UDC / +1178 Milk / +2489 GTPI and +648 NET MERIT
Dam: MS DG-TM Pinnacle Balsam *RC | Huge RED CARRIER from Bridgett!!
- The former #1 AltaEmbassy Europe has embryos for sale from the incredible SILVER!
- Dam is the former #1 GTPI Heifer in Europe and sold for 100.000 EUR
- The family of: Mascol, Lord Lily & more
Apina AltaEMBASSY x HFP Lucette GP-84-NL 2yr. x OWN Gold Lucille VG-89-DK 2yr. (s. Goldwyn) x Own Shottle Lou VG-85
Sire: Seagull-Bay SILVER | +2.42 PTAT // +1063 Milk // +0.18% Fat // +0.05% Protein
Dam: Peak Lucette AE 8314-ET // Former #1 Embassy dtr in Europe!!
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- FEMALE embryos from the TYPE sensation: Luck-E Undenied ADMIRAL (+4.55 PTAT)
- Goldina-Red is an unique RED Mogul daughter >>> 50% of her offsprings will be RED, regardless her mating <<
- She is just at the start of her show career but already won big titles like:
- Grand Champion R&W Danish National Show 2019
- Grand Champion Regional Show Aulum 2019 - Same family as HFP Gisma-Red (s. Crushtime) - 2nd Class 1 R&W Swiss Expo 2020
VG-89 Mogul x Lis Golda EX-90-DE x Morsan Pronto Fools Gold Red VG-85-CAN x Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. 8*
Sire: FEMALE Luck-E Undenied ADMIRAL | #6 PTAT sire in the breed: +4.55 PTAT // Grand son of Luck-E Advent Asia EX-94
Dam: KhW Goldina-Red VG-89-DK EX-MS (VRC) | Grand Champion R&W Danish National Show 2019
This is a traditional English auction.